Thursday, May 17, 2007


SO me and Darren hustled out of work early today to go see a sneak preview of TRANSFORMERSSSS AWESOMMEEEE

We hustled all the way to Hollywood in rush hour traffic and met Raj and Bruce and Evan and got a table at cinespace which is a theater/fancy restaurant, had some grubbin food, listened to writer Clint Dille and the director of the new Transformers game talk all about the new movie...

THEN THEY SHOWED THE OLD TRANSFORMERS FROM 1983 OR WHATEVER THE HELL. DOOD WTF seriously. Everyone got pissed off at ME and left. Me and Danny B sat til the end and enjoyed every minute of it. Total classic. Sort of..

I guess I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up, it did seem a little early for a full screening, the film doesn't come out until July 4th..

This picture is one of my best friends from High school Hannah's little girl Tyler. SO CUTE. Looks just like her, so crazy!! EVERYONE BREEDING. Need pictures of Megs little one here soon! Trav get to it!

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