Monday, July 16, 2007

E3 week chapter 1

So E3 this year basically sucked more than I could have imagined. No big announcements, only one good party, and tons of regulars didn't even come because there was nothing for them to do. LAME.

Fortunately I grabbed fate by the balls and made it rad by my own hand.

Ubisoft had a great party so I crashed it. It was the only "real" E3 party, with most of the regulars and tons of free drinks and good conversation and laughs. This was the only night I really got to see all my old buddies from EGM/1up, guys that have been TRADITION to party with for like 9 years. Jason, John, Dom, Yamachan, and everyone else that didn't make it you were missed!

Peeps in picture L to R Brian Inthihar, Mark McDonald, Sam Kennedy Shane Bettenhausen (all EGM guys) Cindy Lum from Ubisoft, and Ryan Payton from the Metal Gear team.

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